How to keep your cool in summer

Feeling a little irritable?

Summer is here! It’s the season of joy, adventures, vibrant blooms, long sunny days, holidays, and feeling energetically uplifted by all the light and warmth. But have you noticed that summer sometimes brings a touch of agitation, a sprinkle of short-tempered moments, or a feeling of being stretched thin? You're not alone, and there's a simple reason for this.

According to the ancient well-being system of Ayurveda, every person and everything in the physical world has a unique dosha makeup. Doshas are primal energy types made up of different combinations of earth, air, fire, water, and space. There are three of them: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

Summer months are governed by Pitta, embodying the fiery and watery qualities of passion and vitality. That’s why our energy feels higher and more intense during this season. However, on particularly hot and sunny days, or if you have a Pitta constitution, you might find yourself feeling:

  • More irritated and frustrated

  • Excessively hungry

  • Impatient

  • Dealing with reddened skin

  • Experiencing stomach problems

  • Generally overheating

    But don't worry! Using the wisdom of Ayurveda, you can easily and naturally find relief with these daily summer rituals:

  • Engage in slow, cooling, and mindful exercises like soothing yoga, pilates, swimming, and long walks.

  • Eat cooling foods such as avocados, coconut, coriander, watermelon, asparagus, cucumber, leafy greens, and salads.

  • Cool your skin and eyes with rose water. The soothing energy of roses calms your nervous system, reduces heat and redness, and lovingly cools your skin – a true gift from nature.

  • End the day with a cooling foot massage using sesame or virgin coconut oil to draw the heat out of your body.

Try it and see how you feel!


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