Nourish your soul

This week I’m making a conscious effort to focus on my sense of contentment or santosha. Santosha is the second of the Niyamas of Patanjali's Eight Limbs of Yoga.

We often spend our whole lives striving toward the next goal and not savouring our accomplishments. We never allow ourselves to feel contentment for the present moment.

As you read this, take a few moments to close your eyes, place your hands on your heart, and take in all you’ve created. You’ve come so far, you have many blessings, there are people that love you, the Universe supports you.

The time you take to feel contentment nourishes your soul and helps you grow into your future endeavours.

Join me in taking a few minutes each day this week to feel contentment and light up your heart.


What’s your Dharma?


Yoga and your brain