What’s your Dharma?

You’ve definitely got one!

We are all souls who chose to incarnate here on this planet at this time. We came with a specific purpose - to fulfil our Dharma, our life’s purpose.

When we are living in alignment with that purpose, we experience kriya, effortless flow. Doors open for us, we meet the right people at the right time, and we can enjoy the ride.

When we’re not living in alignment with our Dharma, or when we harm another, we experience karma, bounded action from the Universe. This can feel like a poke, a little push, a punch, or an accident. It’s a message to turn you back to your Dharma.

Yoga means ‘to yoke’, becoming one with the soul. We practice yoga to still the mind, so that we may know the truth.

To embark on a yogic path is to dedicate this lifetime to understanding the soul.

We all play a very important role in the universe. We were born with unique gifts that are yours to share. Your Dharma is so much greater than you. When you don’t rise up, the whole world misses out.

Do you know your Dharma?


Embracing Santosha: Cultivating contentment in the present moment.


Nourish your soul